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Prof. dr. sc. Blaženka Divjak
Šefica katedre/Redovita profesorica u trajnom izboru
+385 42 390842
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FOI 1, 2. kat Južno krilo
Kabinet (br. 82)
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Katedra za kvantitativne metode - Šefica katedre
Laboratorij za analitiku učenja i akademsku analitiku - Voditeljica
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+385 42 390842
16:00 - 17:00
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14:00 - 15:00
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Diskretne strukture s teorijom grafova (OPS 1.4, BPBZ 1.4, IPI 1.4, IUO 1.4, BPBZ 1.3, IUO 1.3, IPI 1.3, OPS 1.3, OPS 1.2, IUO 1.2, IPI 1.2, BPBZ 1.2) Nositelj
Matematičke metode za informatičare (IPS 1.2) Nositelj
Matematika 1 (IPS 1.2) Nositelj
Matematika 2 (IPS 1.2) Nositelj
Projektni ciklusi u znanosti i razvoju (PDDSIZ 1.1) Nositelj
Strategija i upravljanje e-učenjem (PDEU 1.0) Nositelj
Upravljanje projektima u e-učenju (PDEU 1.0) Nositelj
Upravljanje projektnim ciklusima u IT-ju (BPBZ 1.4, BPBZ 1.3, IPI 1.4, IUO 1.4, IUO 1.3, OPS 1.4, OPS 1.3) Nositelj
Upravljanje projektnim ciklusom (PPDMO 1.0) Nositelj
Upravljanje projektnim ciklusom (EP-DS 1.1, EP-DS 1.0) Nositelj
Diskretne strukture s teorijom grafova (OPS 1.4, BPBZ 1.4, IPI 1.4, IUO 1.4, BPBZ 1.3, IUO 1.3, IPI 1.3, OPS 1.3, OPS 1.2, IUO 1.2, IPI 1.2, BPBZ 1.2) Nositelj
Matematičke metode za informatičare (IPS 1.2) Nositelj
Matematika 1 (IPS 1.2) Nositelj
Matematika 2 (IPS 1.2) Nositelj
Odabrana poglavlja linearne algebre i diskretne matematike (PDSSIROID 1.0) Nositelj
Odabrana poglavlja matematike (PDS 1.1) Nositelj
Projektni ciklusi u znanosti i razvoju (PDDSIZ 1.1) Nositelj
Strategija i upravljanje e-učenjem (PDEU 1.0) Nositelj
Upravljanje projektima u e-učenju (PDEU 1.0) Nositelj
Upravljanje projektnim ciklusima u IT-ju (BPBZ 1.4, BPBZ 1.3, IPI 1.4, IUO 1.4, IUO 1.3, OPS 1.4, OPS 1.3) Nositelj
Upravljanje projektnim ciklusom (PPDMO 1.0) Nositelj
Upravljanje projektnim ciklusom (EP-DS 1.1, EP-DS 1.0) Nositelj
Diskretne strukture s teorijom grafova (OPS 1.4, BPBZ 1.4, IPI 1.4, IUO 1.4, BPBZ 1.3, IUO 1.3, IPI 1.3, OPS 1.3, OPS 1.2, IUO 1.2, IPI 1.2, BPBZ 1.2) Nositelj
Matematičke metode za informatičare (IPS 1.2) Nositelj
Matematika 1 (IPS 1.2) Nositelj
Matematika 2 (IPS 1.2) Nositelj
Odabrana poglavlja linearne algebre i diskretne matematike (PDSSIROID 1.0) Nositelj
Odabrana poglavlja matematike (PDS 1.1) Nositelj
Projektni ciklusi u znanosti i razvoju (PDDSIZ 1.1) Nositelj
Strategija i upravljanje e-učenjem (PDEU 1.0) Nositelj
Upravljanje projektima u e-učenju (PDEU 1.0) Nositelj
Upravljanje projektnim ciklusom (PPDMO 1.0) Nositelj
Upravljanje projektnim ciklusom (EP-DS 1.1, EP-DS 1.0) Nositelj
Diskretne strukture s teorijom grafova (OPS 1.4, BPBZ 1.4, IPI 1.4, IUO 1.4, BPBZ 1.3, IUO 1.3, IPI 1.3, OPS 1.3, OPS 1.2, IUO 1.2, IPI 1.2, BPBZ 1.2) Nositelj
Matematičke metode za informatičare (IPS 1.2) Nositelj
Matematika 1 (IPS 1.2) Nositelj
Matematika 2 (IPS 1.2) Nositelj
Odabrana poglavlja linearne algebre i diskretne matematike (PDSSIROID 1.0) Nositelj
Odabrana poglavlja matematike (PDS 1.1) Nositelj
Projektni ciklusi u znanosti i razvoju (PDDSIZ 1.1) Nositelj
Strategija i upravljanje e-učenjem (PDEU 1.0) Nositelj
Upravljanje projektima u e-učenju (PDEU 1.0) Nositelj
Upravljanje projektnim ciklusom (EP-DS 1.1, EP-DS 1.0) Nositelj
Upravljanje projektnim ciklusom (PPDMO 1.0) Nositelj
Diskretne strukture s teorijom grafova (OPS 1.4, BPBZ 1.4, IPI 1.4, IUO 1.4, BPBZ 1.3, IUO 1.3, IPI 1.3, OPS 1.3, OPS 1.2, IUO 1.2, IPI 1.2, BPBZ 1.2) Nositelj
Matematika 1 (IPS 1.2) Nositelj
Matematika 1 (PDS 1.1) Nositelj
Matematika 2 (PDS 1.1) Nositelj
Matematika 2 (IPS 1.2) Nositelj
Odabrana poglavlja linearne algebre i diskretne matematike (PDSSIROID 1.0) Nositelj
Odabrana poglavlja matematike (PDS 1.1) Nositelj
Projektni ciklusi u znanosti i razvoju (PDDSIZ 1.1) Nositelj
Strategija i upravljanje e-učenjem (PDEU 1.0) Nositelj
Upravljanje projektima u e-učenju (PDEU 1.0) Nositelj
Upravljanje projektnim ciklusom (PPDMO 1.0) Nositelj
Upravljanje projektnim ciklusom (EP-DS 1.1, EP-DS 1.0) Nositelj
Diskretne strukture s teorijom grafova (OPS 1.4, BPBZ 1.4, IPI 1.4, IUO 1.4, BPBZ 1.3, IUO 1.3, IPI 1.3, OPS 1.3, OPS 1.2, IUO 1.2, IPI 1.2, BPBZ 1.2) Nositelj
Matematika 1 (PDS 1.1) Nositelj
Matematika 2 (PDS 1.1) Nositelj
Odabrana poglavlja linearne algebre i diskretne matematike (PDSSIROID 1.0) Nositelj
Odabrana poglavlja matematike (PDS 1.1) Nositelj
Projektni ciklusi u znanosti i razvoju (PDDSIZ 1.1) Nositelj
Upravljanje projektnim ciklusom (EP-DS 1.1, EP-DS 1.0) Nositelj
Upravljanje projektnim ciklusom (PPDMO 1.0) Nositelj
Diskretne strukture s teorijom grafova (OPS 1.4, BPBZ 1.4, IPI 1.4, IUO 1.4, BPBZ 1.3, IUO 1.3, IPI 1.3, OPS 1.3, OPS 1.2, IUO 1.2, IPI 1.2, BPBZ 1.2) Nositelj
Matematika 1 (PDS 1.1) Nositelj
Matematika 2 (PDS 1.1) Nositelj
Odabrana poglavlja linearne algebre i diskretne matematike (PDSSIROID 1.0) Nositelj
Odabrana poglavlja matematike (PDS 1.1) Nositelj
Projektni ciklusi u znanosti i razvoju (PDDSIZ 1.1) Nositelj
Upravljanje projektnim ciklusom (PPDMO 1.0) Nositelj
Upravljanje projektnim ciklusom (EP-DS 1.1, EP-DS 1.0) Nositelj
Diskretne strukture s teorijom grafova (OPS 1.4, BPBZ 1.4, IPI 1.4, IUO 1.4, BPBZ 1.3, IUO 1.3, IPI 1.3, OPS 1.3, OPS 1.2, IUO 1.2, IPI 1.2, BPBZ 1.2) Nositelj
Matematika (PITUP 1.2) - Križevci Nositelj
Matematika (PITUP 1.2) - Varaždin Nositelj
Matematika (PITUP 1.2) - Zabok Nositelj
Matematika (PITUP 1.2) - Sisak Nositelj
Matematika 1 (PDS 1.1) Nositelj
Matematika 2 (PDS 1.1) Nositelj
Odabrana poglavlja linearne algebre i diskretne matematike (PDSSIROID 1.0) Nositelj
Odabrana poglavlja matematike (PDS 1.1) Nositelj
Projektni ciklusi u znanosti i razvoju (PDDSIZ 1.1) Nositelj
Upravljanje projektnim ciklusom (EP-DS 1.1, EP-DS 1.0) Nositelj
Upravljanje projektnim ciklusom (PPDMO 1.0) Nositelj
Diskretne strukture s teorijom grafova (OPS 1.4, BPBZ 1.4, IPI 1.4, IUO 1.4, BPBZ 1.3, IUO 1.3, IPI 1.3, OPS 1.3, OPS 1.2, IUO 1.2, IPI 1.2, BPBZ 1.2) Nositelj
Matematika (PITUP 1.2) - Zabok Nositelj
Matematika (PITUP 1.2) - Varaždin Nositelj
Matematika (PITUP 1.2) - Sisak Nositelj
Matematika (PITUP 1.2) - Križevci Nositelj
Matematika 1 (PDS 1.1) Nositelj
Matematika 2 (PDS 1.1) Nositelj
Odabrana poglavlja linearne algebre i diskretne matematike (PDSSIROID 1.0) Nositelj
Odabrana poglavlja matematike (PDS 1.1) Nositelj
Projektni ciklusi u znanosti i razvoju (PDDSIZ 1.1) Nositelj
Upravljanje projektnim ciklusom (EP-DS 1.1, EP-DS 1.0) Nositelj
Upravljanje projektnim ciklusom (PPDMO 1.0) Nositelj
Diskretne strukture s teorijom grafova (OPS 1.4, BPBZ 1.4, IPI 1.4, IUO 1.4, BPBZ 1.3, IUO 1.3, IPI 1.3, OPS 1.3, OPS 1.2, IUO 1.2, IPI 1.2, BPBZ 1.2) Nositelj
Matematika (PITUP 1.2) - Križevci Nositelj
Matematika (PITUP 1.2) - Sisak Nositelj
Matematika (PITUP 1.2) - Varaždin Nositelj
Matematika (PITUP 1.2) - Zabok Nositelj
Matematika 1 (PDS 1.1) Nositelj
Matematika 2 (PDS 1.1) Nositelj
Odabrana poglavlja linearne algebre i diskretne matematike (PDSSIROID 1.0) Nositelj
Odabrana poglavlja matematike (PDS 1.1) Nositelj
Projektni ciklusi u znanosti i razvoju (PDDSIZ 1.1) Nositelj
Upravljanje projektnim ciklusom (PPDMO 1.0) Nositelj
Upravljanje projektnim ciklusom (EP-DS 1.1, EP-DS 1.0) Nositelj
Diskretne strukture s teorijom grafova (OPS 1.4, BPBZ 1.4, IPI 1.4, IUO 1.4, BPBZ 1.3, IUO 1.3, IPI 1.3, OPS 1.3, OPS 1.2, IUO 1.2, IPI 1.2, BPBZ 1.2) Nositelj
Matematika 1 (PDS 1.1) Nositelj
Matematika 2 (PDS 1.1) Nositelj
Odabrana poglavlja linearne algebre i diskretne matematike (PDSSIROID 1.0) Nositelj
Odabrana poglavlja matematike (PDS 1.1) Nositelj
Projektni ciklusi u znanosti i razvoju (PDDSIZ 1.1) Nositelj
Upravljanje projektnim ciklusom (PPDMO 1.0) Nositelj
Upravljanje projektnim ciklusom (EP-DS 1.1, EP-DS 1.0) Nositelj
Diskretne strukture s teorijom grafova (OPS 1.4, BPBZ 1.4, IPI 1.4, IUO 1.4, BPBZ 1.3, IUO 1.3, IPI 1.3, OPS 1.3, OPS 1.2, IUO 1.2, IPI 1.2, BPBZ 1.2) Nositelj
Matematika 1 (PDS 1.1) Nositelj
Matematika 2 (PDS 1.1) Nositelj
Odabrana poglavlja linearne algebre i diskretne matematike (PDSSIROID 1.0) Nositelj
Odabrana poglavlja matematike (PDS 1.1) Nositelj
Projektni ciklusi u znanosti i razvoju (PDDSIZ 1.1) Nositelj
Upravljanje projektnim ciklusom (EP-DS 1.1, EP-DS 1.0) Nositelj

Prof. dr. Blaženka Divjak holds a PhD in Mathematics from the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science and Mathematics.

She is a Full professor at the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Organization and Informatics.

She has served as Vice-Rector for students and study programs at the University of Zagreb (2010-2014) and she was twice elected Vice-Dean for scientific work and international cooperation in the period 1999 – 2003 and 2007- 2010 at the Faculty of Organization and Informatics.

She was the Croatian Minister for Science and Education from June 2017. until July 2020. She was leading four major reform processes since then: curricular reform of general education, reform of vocational education and training, enhancement of relevance of higher education and excellence of research.

She was chairing the EU Council of ministers for education and the Council of ministers for research and space during the Croatian presidency from January 1, 2020. Until June 30, 2020. In that period, she led the process of adopting several Council conclusions (future teachers, future jobs, brain circulation etc.) as well as coordinating the EU response to the COVID-19 crises in education and research.

In her previous duties, she was also a coordinator and a researcher in different national and international projects and networks (including Erasmus, FP7, Tempus, Erasmus, IPA, Eureka, EUROLEARN networks, European Science Foundation).

Her area of professional interest and expertise besides mathematics includes curriculum development, e-learning, assessment of learning outcomes, learning analytics, quality culture in higher education, strategic decision making in higher education, popularization of science, Bologna process, the social dimension of higher education etc. Prior to her current assignment, B. Divjak served as a president and a member of the various university, national and international committees and councils in the area of education and science.

She is the author of 8 books and over 200 research papers in the field of mathematics, strategic planning in higher education and research, mathematical education, project management, higher education reform, curriculum development, learning analytics, e-learning and science communication.

First name:

Family name




1967,  Varaždin, Croatia


1998 – PhD in mathematics, Dept. of Mathematics, University of Zagreb (UniZG)

1993 – in mathematics, UniZG

1989 – MS of mathematics and physics, UniZG (EQF level 7)

1985 – Gymnasium Varaždin

Academic position: 

2020 – full professor of mathematics - permanent position

& scientific advisor for information sciences the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Organization and Informatics (FOI)

Previous positions:


2017-2020 minister of science and education Republic of Croatia

2014 – 2017 full professor of mathematics - permanent position

& scientific advisor for information sciences University of Zagreb, Faculty of Organization and Informatics (FOI)

2010 – 2014 vice-rector for students & studies University of Zagreb,

2010-2015 full professor of mathematics & scientific advisor for information sciences

1999 – 2003 & 2007 – 2010 –vice-dean for science and international cooperation FOI, University of Zagreb

2004 – 2010 – associate professor in mathematics

1998 – 2004 – assistant professor (docent) in mathematics

1994 – 1998 – assistant in mathematics - FOI UniZG

1990 – 1994 – teacher of mathematics & physics – Gymnasium Varaždin



Croatian – native speaker

English C2

German B2

Selected publications to illustrate the scope of research 
  1. Divjak, B., Svetec, B., & Horvat, D. (2024). How can valid and reliable automatic formative assessment predict the acquisition of learning outcomes? Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 1–17.
  2. Rienties, B., Divjak, B., Iniesto, F. et al. Online work-based learning: A systematic literature review. International Review of Education 69, 551–570 (2023).
  3. Rienties, B., Divjak, B., Eichhorn, M., Iniesto, F., Saunders-Smits, G., Svetec, B., Tillmann, A., Zizak, M. Online professional development across institutions and borders. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, 20, 30 (2023); 1 – 16.
  4. Divjak, B., Svetec, B. & Horvat, D. (2023) Learning analytics dashboards: What do students actually ask for?. U: Hilliger, I., Khosravi, H., Rienties, B. & Dawson, S. (ur.)13th International Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference (LAK2023) doi:10.1145/3576050.3576141 
  5. Rienties, B., Balaban, I., Divjak, B., Grabar, D., Svetec, B. & Vondra, P. (2023) Applying and Translating Learning Design and Analytics Approaches Across Borders. U: Viberg, O. & Grönlund, Å. (ur.) Practicable Learning Analytics. Advances in Analytics for Learning and Teaching. Cham, Springer, str. 35-53 doi:10.1007/978-3-031-27646-0_3.
  6. Divjak, B., Svetec, B., Horvat, D., & Kadoić, N. (2023). Assessment validity and learning analytics as prerequisites for ensuring student-centred learning design. British Journal of Educational Technology, 54, 313- 334. 
  7. Divjak, B., Grabar, D., Svetec, B. & Vondra, P. (2022) Balanced Learning Design Planning: Concept and Tool. Journal of information and organizational sciences, 46 (2), 361-375 doi:10.31341/jios.46.2.6. 
  8. Divjak, B., Žugec, P. & Pažur Aničić, K. (2022) E-assessment in mathematics in higher education: a student perspective. International journal of mathematical education in science and technology, online, 2117659, 23 doi:10.1080/0020739X.2022.2117659. 
  9. Pažur Aničić, K., Divjak B., (2022) Work-integrated learning in higher education: Student, teacher and employer motivation and expectations. International Journal of Work-Integrated Learning, 23(1), 49-64. Available at: 
  10. Divjak, B., Rienties, B., Iniesto, F. et al. Flipped classrooms in higher education during the COVID-19 pandemic: findings and future research recommendations. Int J Educ Technol High Educ 19, 9 (2022).  Full paper available: 
  11. Divjak, B., Vondra, P. & Pažur Aničić, K. (2022) Strategic Development of a National Pre-tertiary Learning Analytics System. Journal of Information and Organizational Sciences, 46 (1), 173-195 doi:10.31341/jios.46.1.10.
  12. Divjak B., Kadoić N., Žugec B. (2021). The Use of Decision-Making Methods to Ensure Assessment Validity. 2021 IEEE Technology & Engineering Management Conference.
  13. Svetec B., Divjak B. (2021). Emergency Response to the COVID-19 in Education: A Shift of Chaos to Complexity. Lessons from a Pandemic for the Future of the Education / European Distance and E-Learning Network (EDEN) Proceedings. Online: European Distance and E-learning Network, 2021. str. 513-523 doi:10.38069/edenconf-2021-ac0051
  14. Pažur Aničić K, Divjak B. (2020) Maturity Model for Supporting Graduates' Early Careers Within Higher Education Institutions. SAGE Open 10(1).
  15. Dobi Barišić K, Divjak B, Kirinić V. (2019). Education Systems as Contextual Factors in the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge Framework. Journal of Information and Organizational Sciences. 43(2) pp. 163-183.
  16. Kadoić N, Divjak B, Begičević Ređep N. (2019). Integrating the DEMATEL with the analytic network process for effective decision-making. Central European Journal of Operations Research. 27(3). Pp. 653-678.
  17. Bralić A., Divjak B., Integrating MOOCs in traditionally taught courses: achieving learning outcomes with blended learning. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education (2018) 15 (1), 2.
  18. Aničić Pažur K., Divjak B, Arbanas K., Preparing ICT graduates for real-world challenges: results of a meta-analysis. IEEE Transactions on Education 60 (3), (2016) 191-197.
  19. Kadoić N, Begičević Ređep N, Divjak B. (2018). A new method for strategic decision-making in higher education. Central European Journal of Operations Research. 26(3).
  20. Begičević Ređep N, Balaban I, Žugec B, Klačmer Čalopa M, Divjak B. (2017). Framework for digitally mature schools. European Distance and E-Learning Network, Special Issue of the European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning. Pp 31-44.
  21. Divjak, B., Maretić, M. Geometry for Learning Analytics. KoG  (19) (2015) 48-56.
  22. Balaban I., Mu E., Divjak B., Development of an Electronic Portfolio system success model: An information systems approach. Computers and Education, 60(1), (2013) 396-411.
  23. Milin Šipuš, Ž., Divjak, B., Translation surfaces in the Galilean space. Glasnik Matematicki, Vol. 46, No. 2 (2011)
  24. Divjak B., Ostroški M., Vidaček Hainš V.: Sustainable student retention and gender issues in Mathematics for ICT study. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 41 (2010), 3, 293-310.
  25. Divjak, B.; Peharda, P.; Social Network Analysis of Study Environment. Journal of Information and Organizational Sciences. 34 (2010) 1; 67-80.
  26. Begičević N., Divjak B., Hunjak T.: Decision-making on prioritization of projects in higher education institutions using the Analytic Network Process approach. Central European Journal of Operations Research, 1 (2009) 1-24.
  27. Divjak B., Erjavec Z., Szabolcs B., Szilagyi B.: Geodesics and Geodesic Spheres in SL(2,R) Geometry. Mathematical Communications, 14 (2009), 2, 413-424.
  28. Divjak, B. Milin Šipuš, Ž. Some special surfaces in the Pseudo-Galilean space, Acta Matematica Hungarica 118 (3) (2008) 209-226.
  29. Divjak B., Kukec S., Teaching methods for international R&D project management, International Journal of Project Management, Vol 26 (Issue 3) (2008) pp. 258-267
  30. Begičević N, Divjak B, Hunjak T. Prioritization of e-learning forms: a multicriteria methodology. Central European Journal of Operations Research 15 (4), (2007) 405-419
  31. Divjak B, Milin Šipuš Ž. Minding isometries of ruled surfaces in pseudo-Galilean space. Journal of geometry 77 (1-2), 35-47
  32. Divjak B, Milin-Šipuš Ž. Special curves on ruled surfaces in Galilean and pseudo-Galilean spaces. Acta Mathematica Hungarica 98 (3), (2002) 203-215
  33. Divjak B. Curves in pseudo-Galilean geometry. Annales Univ.Sci. Budapest 41 (1998), 117-128


Citations (2022)Google Scholar citation: 2355, H-index: 29,  i10-index: 55




The University of Edinburgh, Visiting scholar, summer semester 2015

The University of Kentucky, PhD student, winter semester 1997



  1. Member of the Executive Committee Global Research Alliance for AI in Learning and Education (GRAIL)  2022- 
  2. Member of the Executive Committee Society for Learning Analytics Research (SoLAR) 2022.-
  3. Member of Executive committee of international organization European Access Network 2005-2017.
  4. National team of experts (member) for Bologna process 2011-2014.
  5. National council for development of human potential (member) 2014-2017.
  6. President of the Council for quality management of University of Zagreb 2009-2010.
  7. President of the Council of the national innovation system 2008-2009.
  8. Member of the negotiating workgroup for Croatia joining EU, “Science and research” chapter, 2006.
  9. Vice-president of Committee for scientific, professional & artistic work at University of Zagreb 2002-2006. 
  10. Member of local government of Varaždin County in charge of education, research, culture and information 2001-2005.
  11. Member of the national Committee for FP 2006-2010. 
  12. President of national Committee for Joint Research Centre-a 2006-2010.
  13. High Level Representative for Croatia in European Eureka network 2002-2004.
Publications (books)authored 7 books (2 university textbooks for mathematics, authored chapters in 5 books); editor in 4 books
Projects (Major scientific collaborations):

coordinated/managed 20 national/international scientific and developmental projects at project or workpackage level (zProjekti, HRZZ, Tempus, FP7, ESF, IPA, LLP, Eureka, Erasmus)

participated in 20 additional projects as researcher/collaborator

Project leader/collaborator


Full list of projects: 

  1. Hrvatska zaklada za znanost - istraživački projekt IP-2022-10-2854. Vjerodostojne analitike učenja i umjetna inteligencija za smislen dizajn učenja. istraživački projekt 30/12/2023-29/12/2027. 
  2. Erasmus+ KA220-HED - Cooperation partnerships in higher education: Innovating Learning Design in Higher Education – iLed 
  3. Erasmus strategic partnership in HE project: Relevant assessment and pedagogies for inclusive digital education. 2021.-2023.  Coordinator: B. Divjak   
  4. Erasmus strategic partnership in HE project: Digital and entrepreneurial skills for European Teachers in the COVID-19 world. 2021.-2023.  Coordinator of WP: B. Divjak
  5. Erasmus strategic partnership in HE project: Accelerating the transition towards Edu 4.0 in HEIs. 2020.-2022.  Researcher: B. Divjak
  6. Croatian Science Foundation (HRZZ) Development of a methodological framework for strategic decision-making in higher education – a case of open and distance learning (ODL) implementation 2015-2019, coordinator B. Divjak 
  7. Project grant University of Pennsylvania. A contribution to the taxonomy development: Benchmarking tool for higher education institutions serving underrepresented groups. 2015-2016, coordinator: B. Divjak, FOI, partner EAN
  8. Scientific project (Ministry of Science Education and Sports _MZOS, Croatia): Differential geometry of space with degenerated metric, 016-0372785-0892, 2006-2014. 
  9. LLP Erasmus: Promoting Quality Culture in Higher Education Institutions / PQC. Coordinator: EUA, as UniZG coordinator, 2011-2013.
  10. FP7: Children as Change Agents for Science in Society. Coordinator: T. Jennings, University of Liverpool, coordinator for FOI, UniZG: B. Divjak, 2010-2014. 
  11. IPA EU - IT Pilot Project in the field of Education – Kosov. Component 1: Institutional Readiness for use of ICT in learning, teaching and administration in education (Strategy, Action plan for e-learning, E-Readiness report, legal framework for e-learning), 2010-2011
  12. Eureka: Enterprise content management. E! 5045 coordinator: ABIT-ECM, FOI coordinator: B. Divjak, 2010-2012.
  13. Tempus JEP:  Enhancing Absorption Capacity for EU Programmes in Croatia Tempus IB_JEP-41063-2006. Coordinator: B. Divjak, 2007-2009.
  14. European Science Foundation: Quantitative methods in social sciences. Leader: A. Dale, University of Manchester, coordinator for Croatia: B. Divjak, 2008-2011.
  15. National Science Foundation (HRZZ): Learning outcomes in interdisciplinary field INTER-OUTCOMES. Coordinator: B. Divjak, 2008-2009.
  16. Tempus SCM: Teaching and Learning Sklls –TEALS 2004-2005. Coordinator: B. Divjak
  17. Tempus SCM: Furtherance of Bologna Promotion in Croatia. Coordinator: A. Bjeliš, UniZG 2005-2006.
  18. Tempus JEP: Aspects of information and organization systems: Curriculum development, CD_JEP-16086-2001. Coordinator: B. Divjak, 2002-2005.
  19. ALIS Bilateral UK-Croatia: Popularization of Science and Dissemination of Scientific Information. 2000-2002. Coordinator: B. Divjak
  20.  Scientific project (MZOS) for young scientists: Curves and surfaces in pseudo-Galilean space. Leader: B. Divjak, 1998-2002.

Invited lectures


E-Assessment in Mathematical Sciences (2022) 13-24 June. How can Learning Design and Learning Analytics support the validity of e-assessment in Mathematics?  

Learning Analytics - Multi-user and Multi-level Perspective Twelfth International Conference on eLearning 2021. Belgrade Metropolitan University, 2021.

Talents are distributed evenly but opportunities are not! Brain drain vs brain gain. (2020). 12th ESEE Dialogue Conference Brain Drain and its effects on the ESEE Region. (November 3, 2020)

Chances of European Cooperation for Stability and Prosperity. Federal Ministry of Research and Education, Berlin. May 14th 2019.

Strateško planiranje u visokom obrazovanju i znanosti. MIPRO 23. svibnja 2019

Strategic Decision Making in Higher Education: How to Integrate Learning Analytics? Learning. Conference: Analytics Policy and Strategy in Higher Eucation (SHEILA project) Bruxelles, 5th June  2018.

 Digital transformation of education and science and its consequences. University of Freiburg. May 2018.

Computing Curriculum, Coding or Computational Thinking. Education World Forum, London. 2018.

Curricular reform: Lessons from Croatia. Education World Forum, London. January 20, 2020.

Panel: The hidden charm of STEM: how to make them more attractive? The First European Education Summit, January 25th, 2018

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